Good Inspections

Website. Hosting.

Good Inspections provides detailed and unbiased Building Inspections and Pest Inspections. Utilising the latest technology, Good Inspections can identify issues that are not always noticeable to the untrained eye. Their role is not to pass or fail a property but to flag any current or future defects. They will help you know the actual condition of the property you intend to buy, not simply what the agent wants you to see.

This project involved generating a website and providing various supporting small business marketing advice. The owner Alex Goodside provided a logo that we extended into a comprehensive Brand Toolkit which could be used across all of the business’s communication material.

Many businesses we work for do not have many commissioned images and cannot afford professional photography (along with the time/cost of models etc.). But stock images can often look so… bad!

At Brainier, we pride ourselves on being able to pick collections of stock images and tweak them to have a similar look and feel. It can often be hours of work (and send us a little crazy), but the result can be impressive, and the cost is only a fraction of a professional photoshoot.

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